I have decided my brain has probably been exposed to the fumes that accompany working in oil for too many years. They make "odorless" paint thinners, but they are still toxic. Between breathing those fumes for over 40 years, being an ex-smoker now for 25 years after 26 years of sucking down my beloved Marlboros and other herbal substances in the 70's, why I am worried about the fumes of my art, is more than likely a little silly. Being a little silly has never really stopped me from doing things and this is a good idea. Soooo...I have decided to switch to acrylic paints. Acrylic paint has greatly improved over the years. It looks and handles like oil paint, so it seems like a good move. I have 4 smaller canvases ready to go, I've bought the paint, tomorrow I set up my palette and start painting. My studio will smell better and my mind just might get clearer. I have decide to go back to this wonderful southwestern landscape and start painting the scenery around Yavapai County. I want to get more of "me" into my work. I am not quite sure what I mean by that, but it's a goal I am going to work toward defining. It's nice to try new directions and inspiration. I am "stoked"!
This is how I start a painting. I like to paint on a red or purple field, I think it makes my colors "POP"! This it the plan for a diptych I am going to do of a wash/arroyo near Skull Valley, Arizona in acrylic paint.
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